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Who can get married?
Marriage is for any two people who desire to unite themselves in the presence of God, friends, and family who gather as a relationship is solemnized with promises and prayer.
What if I’ve already been married before?
We recognize that in human relationships, brokenness is always present. Sometimes, that brokenness manifests in divorce, but previous marriages and divorce do not prevent anyone from being married again.
Are there requirements?
Yes. Meeting with Pastor Zach to prepare for marriage has a few benefits: first, it builds relationship between you and the pastor presiding at your wedding ceremony. This also allows time to build a ceremony specifically for you and your beloved. A pre-marital assessment program called Prepare/Enrich is used to build the skills and have the conversations necessary to create a strong foundation for your marriage.
When are weddings celebrated?
Whether you are interested in being married at Calvary, or your wedding will take place off-site, reaching out to Pastor Zach far in advance is always beneficial to ensure you are able to get married on your preferred date.
Is there a fee?
Yes. Apart from the ceremony, Pastor Zach will spend ten to fifteen hours working on your wedding, including preparing in meetings with you, putting together the service, and leading a wedding rehearsal. A fee sheet can be found here, and includes various items depending on the ceremony you plan and where it takes place.
Struggling in your marriage?
There is no shame when faced with difficulty in relationship. Brokenness is always present in human relationship. If you'd like to discuss any topics or difficulties, do not hesitate to reach out for pastoral counseling. If there is an issue too big to resolve in a few meetings, Pastor Zach will refer you to couples therapy. Reach out here.
Sarah and Ryan wedding at Calvary.
Pastor Zach presiding at a wedding.
Molly and Steven wedding at Peconic Herb Farm.
Sarah and Ryan wedding at Calvary.
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