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Christmas Schedule

Christmas is more than a day! It is a season which proclaims the good news of Emmanuel—God with us—born for you, in this time and place.

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Christmas Pageant
December 15, 10:00 AM

Join us for our no-rehearsal
Christmas Pageant.

Christmas Eve
December 24,
3:00 PM & 10:00 PM

Evening liturgies are different, but they both are appropriate for families, include Communion, and holy candlelight singing.


Christmas Day
December 25, 10:00 AM

Some say, “keep Christ in Christmas,” but worship on Christmas Day keeps “mass” in Christmas. This is Christ’s mass!

Lessons and Carols
December 29, 10:00 AM

Lessons and Carols


Epiphany Sunday
January 5, 10:00 AM

A Service of Holy Communion
with the blessing of the church
for the new year.
Take home a blessing
to do at home!

Season after Epiphany
Sundays, 10:00 AM, Jan. 12-Feb. 9

This time serves as a bridge between the festivities surrounding the birth of Jesus and the time of Lent which leads to the passion of Jesus.

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860 Townline Road, Hauppauge, NY
(631) 724-2886
Monday - Friday, 9 AM - 1 PM
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